Its times like these that made me make this blog in the first place
I think that this is the first time in a very long time that I am compelled to actually write something
I'm at a point in my life where, yet again, I am stuck between a rock and a hard place
I've struggled with this before so why do I still find myself unable to find any solution or at least a good medium for me to let things out.
I think i'm just too tired of it all. I kinda want to take action, but actions have consequences. I want to disappear, but what then? when I come back will things go the way I want them to? the answer is obvious. its a hard no.
But what can I do?
Talking about it doesn't seem to work, running away to things don't help, even video games that gives me that little bit of serotonin seems to have little to no effect anymore
I think i've said this to myself on multiple occasions, it feels like I just want to grow a pair of wings and fly away. Or just become a recluse so I'll be okay by my lonesome
I just don't know
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